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Latest News
10% Discount on visit to Nari in Summer
~ News
Dear Friends, In being a part of Gateway Online you now have option to receive a 10% discount on your visit to Nari in the summer of 2024 (May 15th - August 15th*). This may be valuable to anyone with less than a financially strong backbone and may help to make your journey possible. Please be aware...
14-19th May 2024 – Women’s Retreat at Nari Sanctuary
~ Events, News
BOOKINGS ARE OPEN! For the woman dedicated to actualise her Essential Wisdom, Pema invites for this years All-Women’s retreat. The retreat held in the Beauty and Grace of Nari Sanctuary, in Denmark, offers spaces of deep devotion and care, support on all levels of Cultivation of All-Inclusive Trut...
Pema in Berlin, Germany
~ News
Pulsation of Pure Transmission - word exchange, One Being - Tenderness & Tears, Laughter and Love, Body of work establishing itself in Berlin. During this visit in Berlin in november 2023, Pema gave a weekend Intimacy Immersion containing an 11 hour-day of transmission. Intensive work is going o...
Sweet Music at Nari Sanctuary
~ News
As a treat for Music-lovers, Pema's husband cellist Matthias Diener was invited and played a concert in the sacred hall at Nari Sanctuary. It was a Great Boon for the island as well as the local community, to receive the Minguett Quartett, which is internationally one of the most sought after string...
Online Dates for 2024 are now available
~ News
Monthly we Meet in the warm palm of resting with Truth together. And we are now settled for the dates for meeting for 2024. You are welcome to make a Note in your calendar marking the day, for future notice. 14th January, 2024 11th February, 2024 17th March, 2024 21st April, 2024 26th May, 20...
Gateway App on the Way
The option to subscribe to news, Aisha's writings, event-reminders and more will come soon.
For now - welcome to subscribe to the LivingRoom, for engagement with your fellow travellers - by clicking the subscribe option on the right side of the LivingRoom.
All News
Dear Friends, In being a part of Gateway Online you now have option to receive a 10% discount on your visit to Nari in the summer of 2024 (May 15th - August 15th*). This may be valuable to anyone with less than a financially strong backbone and may help to make your journey possible. Please be aware...
BOOKINGS ARE OPEN! For the woman dedicated to actualise her Essential Wisdom, Pema invites for this years All-Women’s retreat. The retreat held in the Beauty and Grace of Nari Sanctuary, in Denmark, offers spaces of deep devotion and care, support on all levels of Cultivation of All-Inclusive Trut...
Pulsation of Pure Transmission - word exchange, One Being - Tenderness & Tears, Laughter and Love, Body of work establishing itself in Berlin. During this visit in Berlin in november 2023, Pema gave a weekend Intimacy Immersion containing an 11 hour-day of transmission. Intensive work is going o...
As a treat for Music-lovers, Pema's husband cellist Matthias Diener was invited and played a concert in the sacred hall at Nari Sanctuary. It was a Great Boon for the island as well as the local community, to receive the Minguett Quartett, which is internationally one of the most sought after string...
Monthly we Meet in the warm palm of resting with Truth together. And we are now settled for the dates for meeting for 2024. You are welcome to make a Note in your calendar marking the day, for future notice. 14th January, 2024 11th February, 2024 17th March, 2024 21st April, 2024 26th May, 20...
From this fall 2023, Pema will once again start travelling on tours. This will be once a month approximately and be in various countries in between her staying at Nari Sanctuary in Denmark. This means you can both attend gathering groups in various countries And take stays at Nari Sanctuary for time...
... And in the sacred and sweet Hall in Nari... A roll-out of pure creativity is taking place. It Finally became time for Matthias and I to open the music chapter - Fully! After a ton of unpacking boxes and setting up, we finally took off - into what became a Wonder of different sharings - piece aft...
The recent Gateway meeting held a significant amount of keys regarding the mycelium of the roots of consciousness, it's natural movements and Ways of connection. Furthermore we enjoyed a good deal of Mapping the breakdown of the solid - the dissolving of the knitted sweater of separation - for an un...
As a member of GAteway you hjave access to lower prices on some of the the teaching-products available via the shop on pemasalem.com. To make use of your discount, you simply go to the shop on pemasalem.com, make your choice of products (Online courses and Online Retreats) and type the coupon code: ...
Welcome to our next Online Meeting with Pema. The meeting takes place Sunday, 15 August 7PM Danish time. Signing up for Online Meetings is NOT necessary, you can access the Zoom link directly in the Event (under Calendar) or here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82643594251 Zoom links for future Online Me...
Dear Friends, The audio recording of our teaching night on 20th March on Møn is now available for you to enjoy. You can find this and previous recordings from our teaching nights at Nari Village under Gateway on Møn > Audio-teachings from Møn or by clicking here. With love, Aisha & the tea...
Ah, so a gentle stream of new members of the global online community has trickled in in the last time, and I feel to make their arrival Known and to extend a warm welcome to the new-comers. As you have probably explored around Gateway Online, various resources are available here. But more-over this ...
Dear Friends, The audio recording of our recent teaching night on Møn is now available for you to enjoy. You can find this and previous recordings from our teaching nights at Nari Village under Gateway on Møn > Audio-teachings from Møn or by clicking here. With love, Aisha & the team
Dear Friends, The recent recording of Gateway Online meeting is now available for your replay or first-view. Furthermore the last audio recordings from the Nari Village satsang from November 6th is also available. Find Gateway meeting under "Videos" and audio replay under "Gateway on Møn". Enjoy an...
Dear Friends, Since Aisha's tour to the UK was cancelled, we had chance to have a few more nights in Truth at Nari Village, at the time where she would have been away. Here is the recording from the last one - ready under "Gateway on Møn" , which took place on the 25th of October. We hope you enjoy...
Dear Friends, so the recent Satsang on Møn is now available for you in audio. You can find recordings from the last teaching nights under "Gateway on Møn" -> "Audio Teachings". Or find the LINK HERE. Enjoy the recent night of deep and intimate sharing and reflection into the mirror of Truth. Welco...
Ahh, so it's Ready for us... Find the link in the menu on top and join us in there - with your inspirations, sharings, musings, contemplations and whatnot. For a sweet and free expression, a getting and staying in Touch, for an open connection. See you in there.... Love, Aisha
"In the face of this global crisis, I would like to offer out support for the stabilisation and rooting of consciousness for all experiencing inner shakings connected with the increasing uncertainty around the foundation of their lives. While few likely are in fear of the virus itself, we all stand ...
In the spirit of facilitating the application of the keys of True Intimacy, letting them be of full benefit, I would like to be available for sessions for couples in Gateway. These sessions are an addition to the individual sessions available and are about the unfolding of Truth - while being in rel...
So, as you know, a message was sent out regarding a coming arising, and the result was exactly that. The funds were offered via pillars arising to make the difference. The weeks after it were spent checking out possibilities on the island. Places were discovered - and lost, due to all the practicali...
Dear Gateway member, Welcome to a new online course by Aisha Salem: ‘Consciousness, Love & Heart’s Wisdom’. This online course is centred in the journey of the Heart and our surrender to pure Life. It delivers the keys of consciousness connected to the depth of recognition as pure Heart - ...
Another intimate Online Meeting with Aisha took place and the recording is now available. You will find it under "Cinema" (taskbar) -> "Replay Last Online Event" or click here. In case the time didn´t allow to speak with Aisha during the meeting or reviewing sparks certain topics in you, most...
Another intimate Online Meeting with Aisha took place and the recording is now available. You will find it under "Cinema" (taskbar) -> "Replay Last Online Event" or click here. In case the time didn´t allow to speak with Aisha during the meeting or reviewing sparks certain topics in you, most...
Another intimate Online Meeting with Aisha took place and the recording is now available. You will find it under "Cinema" (taskbar) -> "Replay Last Online Event" or click here. In case the time didn´t allow to speak with Aisha during the meeting or reviewing sparks certain topics in you, most...
We are very happy to announce that Aisha will be visiting America in May 2019. As part of her tour, she will be giving 2 weekend retreats at the Omega Institute New York and The Creative Life Centre Sedona. For more details and registration, please click on the links or visit aishasalem.com ~~~...
For you who cannot be long term on the island of Møn, we offer the opportunity of following the teachings taking place on the island in audio recordings. A new Audio-teaching is available now, consisting of two parts, Meditation and Q&A. You will find the recordings under "Gateway on Møn" (ta...
Another intimate Online Meeting with Aisha took place and the recording is now available. You will find it under "Cinema" (taskbar) -> "Replay Last Online Event" or click here. In case the time didn´t allow to speak with Aisha during the meeting, most welcome to bring your questions to the Te...
For you who cannot be long term on the island of Møn, we offer the opportunity of following the teachings taking place on the island in audio recordings. A new Audio-teaching is available now, consisting of two parts, Meditation and Q&A. You will find the recordings under "Gateway on Møn" (ta...
Dear Friends worldwide, For you who cannot be long term on the island of Møn, we offer the opportunity of following the teachings taking place on the island in audio recordings. When Aisha travels, around online and residential retreats, teachings do not take place. In spaces between them, teaching...
Dear Friends in Gateway, Thank you EveryOne! We are so very grateful for the Beauty and Love that was created and shared, as we celebrated 2018 and with foreheads to the ground welcomed in the New Year of 2019. It was an evening shared in the beautiful surroundings of Hotel Stege Nord. We shared in ...
Hello Dear Friends in Gateway, so let's play. Here is a link to the contemplation of the month, which I invite for the play of in the LivingRoom Forum. To play with us, please go to the LivingRoom and Let your Voice be Heard after some proper contemplation... 🙂 Commitment… Contemplation of...
Dear Friends, SO the day came, where we wave good-bye to the BASIC members of Gateway Online by the closing of the BASIC (free) membership. Due to the turns going on and the nature of what is already and awaits to unfold, it is considered DEEPLY significant to wrap the arms around the people engagin...
Dear friends in Gateway, The exchange for being a FULL member of Gateway Online is changing from 12 to 15 EUR. You who already signed up for the 12 EUR/month exchange are KEEPING your 12 EUR/month subscription and the 15 EUR exchange is for members coming from now onwards. In other words, the chang...
Dear Lovers, thank you for another wonderful monthly get together of meeting in Truth. Every online event with Aisha is available for 1 week after the event, for your review or view, should you not have been able to attend. The recording is available in the Cinema under "Last online event" and is av...
Every online event with Aisha is from here on available for 1 week after the event, for your review or view, should you not have been able to attend. The recording is available in the Cinema under "Last online event" and is available for all FULL members of Gateway Online. Enjoy and welcome next mon...
Dear Lovers, It is with great Joy that I greet and meet so many of you in the monthly online meetings. I see deep benefit in those meetings along with a proper sense of familiarity and space for consciousness to do Her Dance of deep facilitations across every level of being - very very lovely. As I...
Aisha's team is in natural transition from old ways to new in moving into the full manifestation of the work on-ground. As the result, we need new players/Lovers to step in and take part in birthing Truth across everything... Stepping into the team of Aisha means getting Life & Truth Very up-clo...
Thank You everyone for your participation in our Online Meeting tonight. Feeling truly blessed to Share Space and the Ground of Reality with you in these meetings. Very Much Fun... I will See you Once again in the next coming Online Meeting on April 15th. Please find the event in the Calendar and m...