Engaging in Truth with Pema Salem – by use of published material or in attending online events – involves activation of strong forces and thereby requires full willingness to surrender, allow change and step up to the responsibility of living a life in Truth - in action, mind and speech.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully, prior to engaging with the contents of Gateway Online or attending any online event with Pema in Gateway Online.
Use of Gateway Online
Membership on Gateway Online is for private use only. Log-in information must be kept safe and private at all times. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in immediate suspension and end of subscription.
All publications containing the teaching and transmission of Pema Salem are copyrighted.
Unauthorised use or distribution of any material from Gateway Online is prohibited by law.
Conditions of Paid Subscription
The cancellation of paid subscription stops payments from the following month, and cancellation-date counts from the date of notification sent to Aisha Salem team, which is to be no later than the 15th of the month, prior to the month where subscription is no longer wanted.
Pema Salem is in full right to alter the exchange on the membership. Any changes in terms are to be communicated via e-mail and as notification on Gateway Online at least 1 month prior to change taking place.
Conditions for attending Online Meetings
Pema Salem and team are not responsible for the workings of ZOOM connected to online meetings. Any support on ZOOM conferencing tool is directed to the creators of ZOOM.
The online meetings with Pema Salem are recorded in HD for later publication. Any recordings will not show your face. Enquiries will be audible in publications. All recordings are copyrighted. All rights reserved for immediate or later publication. Any engagement in online events with Pema Salem implies agreement with these conditions.
Any necessary last-minute cancellations of online events by Pema Salem, related to health-issues or other, are replaced with later dated scheduling of same event.
Conditions for Written Correspondence with Pema Salem
Any writings by Pema Salem - generated as answers and guidance in response to enquiries on Truth - either in Teaching Hall or private messaging are subject to publication. All names and dates are altered to protect any parties involved. Any engagement in written communication with Pema Salem implies agreement with these conditions.
Policy for Communication in Gateway Online
Any engagement with Gateway Online - community and Pema Salem - depends solely on your full withstanding the responsibility for any engagement being on respectful and caring terms. Pema Salem is in full right to end any subscription, should this requirement not be met.
Childcare Policy
Minimum age for being member of Gateway Online and working with Pema Salem is 18. On rare occasions, this policy can be bent, by parents consent, and Pema specifically approving attendance of the under-aged person in question - by individual contact with both child and parents.
Use of the materials on Gateway Online or attendance in online meetings with Pema Salem is at your sole risk. You acknowledge that Pema Salem has no control over, and no duty to take any action regarding, what effects the content or contact may have on you, how you may interpret or use the content or what actions you may take as a result of having engaged with Pema and the content.
Any engagement with Pema Salem, in either videos (Q&A and meditations), audios, enquiries (in Teaching Hall) or online events, are likely to penetrate into all areas of your living life. The process it initiates needs to be handled with care and in respect for all aspects of your life and resolve.
Entering engagement with Pema Salem, in any way, requires your sincere dedication to Truth. Approaching the transmissions or Being of Pema Salem, from either written enquiry or online events, while being motivated by anything other than a full Yes to Truth is ill-advised.